Friday, December 22, 2006

Allister Gets Away...

The most amazing thing happened last night. Our good friends, Dina and Jason came over to exchange gifts and as Sarah was letting the dogs back in, Allister (the boxer) slipped out the front door. We all ran after him, but he figured this was a game and turned around to see us and ran again.

He headed toward 29th street, which is a busy throughway and I heard Sarah screaming up ahead. I rounded the corner and saw that he had narrowly avoided being hit by a car. She was able to flag the next car to slow down - but not before they hit him. I saw him get tapped and roll over, then run again.

Everything turned out fine, Jason caught Allister and the girls stopped to help. Allister is miraculously without injury and just as happy as can be - he slept between us as usual last night.

I, unlike the boxer dog, am very much shook up. When I saw him get hit, my knees gave way and I fell in the street. Then I tried to get up and fell again. My knees had no strength. My only injuries were a bruised knee and a couple of cuts on my hand. So I was very lucky - both of us were.

When I got back to the porch everyone was asking if I was OK and processing what just happened. As I was headed to my bath after they left, Sarah and I held each other silently for a while. I told her "something just happened to me" and she agreed but I didn't know what else to say.

Later I figured it out and shared with her. My knees giving way and my falling reminded me of being drunk. And everyone asking if I was OK reminded me of being drunk. Most of all, I felt that in the most important time, I fell down. I was no use to anyone. That more than anything, reminded me of being drunk.

So I prayed last night before I went to sleep and thanked God for letting Allister live another day. I prayed for strength to remain sober and to find peace in this whole thing. This morning I said my 3rd Step Prayer and will talk about all this in my meeting tonight. I have to - we alcoholics don't have the luxury of secrets.

Love to all of you - more later...

1 comment:

Recovery Road London said...


You'll find other incidents and happenings will take you back to feeling like you did when you were drunk. You get used to it after a while, and after a while longer you just shrug it off. That's how it was for me, anyways.

Glad the hound is okay.

Merry Xmas!